United States » Croaker Hole

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Croaker Hole Spring is located about 3.5 miles southwest of Welaka in Little Lake George, which is part of the St. Johns River. Croaker Hole is a relatively deep, small-diameter hole in the bottom of the St. Johns River. The river is generally about 5 feet to 9 feet deep in this area, except in the immediate vicinity of Croaker Hole, where it plunges to a depth of about 48 feet.
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Latitude: 29.4383
Longitude: -81.68917
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Maximum Depth: 60'
 Cave Diving
 Cavern Diving
 Open Water Diving
Date Submitter Visbility Remarks
5/28/2024 Neal A. 40-50 Always a simple and enjoyable dive. Lots of striped bass, catfish, some quite large, and blue crabs everywhere. A fair amount of garbage strung around outside of the cave. Showing lots of wear to the ceiling and walls. Very strong flow with halocline evident. There is no evidence of this powerful spring's existence on the surface.
6/11/2013 Craig G 30-40 Great dive flow was kicking! This site is loaded with big catfish and stripped bass not much going cave but I wonder if it could be pushed.
12/30/2007 Tim Machardy 20-30 This was my 10th dive in croaker hole area. The gps was a little off this time so it took about 30 min to find the hole. The surface water temp was 60 deg. always a good place to dive.
11/11/2007 ARY 30 windy conditions, 2' waves, air 65-70F. spring gives away itself by different water surface pattern, sonar and gps were helpful as well. river water viz 1-2' tannic, 65F. spring found at 20', no daylight at that point. viz limited only by light power, 73F(warm). marked down 3 potential no mount leads. tons of fish, crab and shrimp. there is no line in there, run your own.
8/19/2007 stairman 30' Try to get your anchor in the hole itself.Terrible vis until you reach the colder bottom at 30 ft.There is a line tied in.You can pull yourself in the cavern easily.Its about 100ft. back with a max depth of 51 ft.Lots of shrimp and blue crabs.Saw no stripers though.there is a halocline which distorts the vis somewhat.Two manatees surfaced continuously before and after the dives,bit didnt see them in the spring.Cavern has no surface light at all.
9/3/2006 mike 20 -30 water visibility at the surface was really bad until u got below about 10 ft where it cleared up and the temp dropped to about 72 on the surface water was around 84 fun dive nothing special although im not cave trained so i didn't go in to the small cave at the bottom its not so much as a hole because on the north side the bottom slowly drops off and the south side is a rock wall where the mouth of the cave is there was a good bit of flow a lot of stripped bass and catfish so ull have to weight until there is no one fishing before u dive we weighted about an hour or so before no one was fishing but it probly wouldn't be that bad on a week day no one else was diving which would suck if there would have been its not a very big area ne ways unless u relly dont have anything else to do or if u are in to full cave then i wouldnt recomend going out of your way to find it o ya bring a light the murkey lake water above blocks out most of the sun light
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