Italy » Cala Luna

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Very close to one of the most beautiful beaches in the Golfo di Orosei an entrance to a cave system is located. Hardly visible from the boat one easily dives and pass the entrance without ever knowing what a fantastic cave system lays behind. The dive leads into a small passage through solid rock. Onto the walls hundreds of mussels have attached. After a short period of time we reach the main cave line and continue deeper inside the mountain. The visibility is surprisingly good changing rapidly after 8 minutes. The water starts to get milky again and you will approach a halocline.

The shape of the main tunnel is quite constant, the passage becomes larger and higher and the wideness of the cave enlarges. The average passage depth is 14 meters. Many large formations and stalactites are there to admire. Several side tunnels appear and after some 40 minutes the main line ends but just before the end of the line the tunnel makes a jump into the deep and leads you to a depth of over 35m where the cave continues its path.

Equipment configuration: Back mount and Sidemount for the Sumps.
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Date Submitter Visbility Remarks
10/3/2010 BMO & HOM >20m No flow...good dive but rough seas!
5/8/2010 ProTec Sardinia 30-60' System has cleared up well. Medium flow with good viz.
4/22/2010 ProTec Sardinia 30-60 The system is slowly clearing up. The flow is weak and the line is in good condition. There was no percolation and no sediments in the water.
4/20/2010 ProTec Sardinia 10-15' The flow is week and the line is in good condition. There was no percolation and no sediments in the water. Yesterday visibility changed after rainfall last week. System needs a few days to clear up. Before visibility was up to 60', some passage had high flow.
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Description Type Date Author Remarks
 Video Vimeo 2010 Slawek Packo
Location information for this website is not available.