Portugal » Almonda

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Easy access; you can park just behind the Renova paper factory that uses the water from this spring for its production. No entrance fee.

The entrance to Almonda is through a tight vertical restriction. This is an artificial entrance to the system that is situated in the basin of the spring that also serves as a water collection point for a paper factory (Renova).

The natural and original entrance to this cave is through a 50m dry cave section which is not easy to negotiate with doubles. The entrance through the basin is unstable and is not uncommon for the winter heavy flow to dislodge some rocks that end up collapsing and closing up the entrance.

The first 100 or so meters of the cave is characterized by many side tunnels – there is a continuous metal line running in through this section of the cave. Most side tunnels are accessed through jumps; the last few T
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Latitude: 39.50466
Longitude: -8.61452
Coordinate System:
Maximum Depth: 266'
 Cave Diving
 Cavern Diving
 Open Water Diving
Date Submitter Visbility Remarks
6/11/2010 Ricardo Constantino 6-10' Not the best vi. Line broken at end of steel cable
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Description Type Date Author Remarks
 System Map Map 2008
Sslect Search Radius:
System Depth Cave Cavern OW Last Report Distance (mi)
 Overview Information Available for Alviela  Alviela True False False 6/6/2010 6.7
   Poio True False False 4/18/2010 4.9