Portions of the following information were taken from Florida Geological Survey Bulletin 66.
Sanlando Springs is located on private property within “The Springs,” gated community 3 miles southwest of
Longwood on SR 427. The spring run flows into the east side of the Little Wekiva River 0.4 miles downstream
from the SR 427 bridge over the river.
Description - Sanlando Springs sits in a circular, bowl shaped depression that is submerged on the
southeast side of a larger, man-made lake that is dammed for swimming. The spring pool is reported to be
about 30 ft in diameter (Rosenau et al., 1977). The depth over the vent measures 14.8 ft. The spring-fed
lake measures 200 ft north to south and 180 ft east to west. Limestone is exposed at the vent. The rest of
the pool bottom is sand. Algae are abundant on the sandy lake bottom. There was a very slight boil over the
vent in May 2002. The vent is surrounded on three sides by a concrete retaining wall, and there is a platform
for swimmers use on the east side. The Little Wekiva River flows into the lake on the west side, then the
combined flow of the spring and river discharges over a weir on the north side of the lake. The surrounding
land rises to approximately 30 ft above the spring level. Palm trees, sandy beaches, and a concrete retaining
wall surround the majority of the lake. The spring is surrounded by suburban development.
Utilization - The spring is developed into a private recreation area for residents and is not
open to the general public.