United States » Twin Caves

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Portions of the following information were taken from Florida Geological Survey Bulletin 66.

From the intersection of SR 71 and CR 164 north of Marianna, travel east on CR 164 approximately 2.6 miles (4.2 km) to the intersection with Camp Road. Turn south (right) onto Camp Road and travel approximately 0.4 miles (0.6 km) to the boat landing on Merritt’s Mill Pond. Twin Caves are located on the bottom of Merritt’s Mill Pond approximately 0.3 miles (0.5 km) upstream from the boat landing on the southeast side of the lake. The two caves are 88.6 feet (27 m) northwest of a newly constructed swim platform between three cypress trees and even with a string of five white buoys.

Description – Twin Caves Spring consists of two vents, oriented north-south. The north vent is 18.5 ft (5.6 m) deep and is deeper than the south vent. Both vents are within a gentle depression on the mill pond bottom that is approximately 50 ft (15.2 m) north to south and 25 ft (7.6 m) east to west. Clear, light blue water of Merritt’s Mill Pond covers the vents. There is very little vegetation surrounding the vents and the bottom is bare sand and limestone. Two logs lay across the north vent at a depth of about 8 ft (2.4 m). The area around the spring is open water with widely scattered cypress trees. Blue Springs Recreation Area is visible approximately 0.4 miles (0.6 km) to the northeast. The spring is east of five white caution buoys associated with the recreation area. During the June 2003 visit, the spring did not appear to be flowing. Twin Caves Spring appears to be a popular swimming and diving location. There is a newly constructed platform 90 ft (27.4 m) to the southeast of Twin Caves Spring.

Access – The easiest way to visit Twin Caves is to rent a boat from Cave Adventures. They are also the best place to get fills in the area.
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Latitude: 30.786662
Longitude: -85.144128
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Maximum Depth: 100'
 Cave Diving
 Cavern Diving
 Open Water Diving
Merritts Mill Pond
Date Submitter Visbility Remarks
3/4/2024 Diver 50 Beautiful system. Large passageways. Made it to the large vertical fissure at 1000 ft and went a little ways on the deeper section til I turned. Took the DPV from JB to access this site.
3/2/2019 Tom C 50-70’ Had the pond to myself, so I went to Twin instead of battling JB. Viz was consistently 50’ but opened up a bit in the training room. Plenty of catfish and crawfish up front.
2/28/2016 Mer 80ft First 300ft-ish, 80 ft vis, blue.
1/11/2015 Bob Bost 40-50 ft Vis was pretty consistent as we ran the circuit thought the hole in the floor, and circled back around.
8/24/2014 Zach Klukkert 40-60' very good visibility, very slight flow. Lots of catfish, a few white crawfish. No salamander sightings. Surface temp 90-95F but OK with the breeze.
8/6/2014 CaptainBil (via CDF) 70' Viz was outstanding, and a slight flow was present. We did the deep section and took a jump for a nice swim until turnaround time.
4/23/2014 Victor Zamora 30-50ft Vis was alright. Zero flow. Great dive.
12/17/2013 Oliver / nakatomi 70' Virtually no flow, lots of catfish and great visibility, had a blast.
11/23/2013 Stud 70 ft Great viz. Slight flow.
9/14/2013 Oliver 50-70ft Just a slight little flow, very nice visibility
5/5/2012 Sandy Robinson 60 Nice dive! Turned at 1000' but viz was great in and out.
9/4/2011 WJefferis Mixed Viz started out crystal. A training class had exited a little before we got in and the silt was stired up from Skyles Passage back to about 750p where we turned on ever degrading viz.
9/3/2011 Dave Jones 30' Visibility was zero in the basin due to a training class that'd just exited. Once I found the left entrance by feel, I poked my head into the cavern and the visibility immediately cleared and I saw the gold line. Visibility averaged a nice 30' at least through the deep circuit.
7/2/2011 Dave Jones 50-70' Dove the main line and deep circuit, where I found a red arrow floating on the ceiling (it's mine now). Much more vegetation in the entrance compared to 3 months earlier. Low flow with 50-70' visibility. Ran a primary from the log only to see (and remember) the mainline starts about 6" from OW.
4/1/2011 Rob Neto 40-80' Hazy in the Subway Tunnel. Visibility opened up down the fissure and back through the Training Room to the Terminal Room.
3/26/2011 Chris Peterman 50-80 Minimal flow, water temp 68 in Subway Tunnel.
12/7/2010 Lynne Flaherty clear Water temperature 68, water very clear.
10/30/2010 Louis 60-80 Except for what the catfish were stirring up the place looked great!
10/24/2010 W.Jefferis 80'-100' Visibility was great in the subway tunnel.
9/26/2010 Brad Bremer 60-80' Spent 2 days diving in Twin, first day we dove the subway tunnel to the T circuit , all was clear including the deep section. Today we dove again, very nice with minimal to no flow.
9/18/2010 Mathew Bull 60-100' Vis was great in the subway as well as deep section, just short of the terminal room. Lots of hydrilla in the entrance...
8/22/2010 Kim Mace 60' Beautiful dive with lots of life (salamanders, etc.). Great viz with no noticeable flow. Took the T going down at 1000'. Incredible system!
3/27/2010 Walter Pickel 15' Scooter to the end of the Subway Tunnel and dropped scooters. We swam through the Training Room and towards the Dog House Restriction. Viz was cloudy and 15' throughout the entire dive. Flow was only discernible at the entrance.
2/19/2010 Jim Clark 25'-30' This was the predominant viz throughout the system today, with perhaps some 35' area just prior to the Terminal Room. Temp was 67*-68*F. Flow is barely discernable.
2/7/2010 Wjefferis 30 Visibility was 30' in the cavern zone. I am only cavern certified so I only shined my light down into the cave zone and it appeared to only be 20' of visibility from where I could see. Although I am unaware if it clears a ways back or not.
1/25/2010 Jim Clark 50'-60' The above viz is predominant everywhere in the system. We were in both the Terminal and Training Rooms. Flow is negligible, temp is 68*F. Hydrilla is not a problem.
1/17/2010 Pete Gelbman 60-80 on the mainline, 100 ish in the lower section Its nice, dive it!
12/26/2009 Kevin Weaver Great Twin was a little murky but quickly cleared up. Viz was great all the way to 1200'
12/4/2009 Brian Hamilton Clear Twin was gorgeous as always. A little bit of Hydrilla in the entrance. Visibility was 100 all the way back to the deep section and through the deep section.
11/28/2009 Mathew Bull 20-60' Hydrilla is starting to choke the entrances, but you can still get in. Visibility in the first couple hundred was milky, but cleared to 60' and blue by 400'p or so.
9/21/2009 Jim Clark Clear Deep sections were done today. Excellent cave conditions, temp 68*F. Hydrilla plants are very thick between the platform and the cave entrance, as well as in the entrance itself. It is difficult to get to and find the cave entrance.
8/29/2009 Sam LeFlore 40 Dove the site vis was pretty good, deep circuit 60-80
6/28/2009 Mathew Bull 60-80' Cave is very clear right now, both in the subway as well as the deep section. Slight positive flow, only enough to be noticable if you are looking for it.
6/14/2009 David Todd 30 Checked out Twin but very silty and then got completely blown by a scooter team, slow to clear. We never entered the cavern or cave.
5/13/2009 Jim Clark 60'-80' Dove the system today and two days ago, jumped to the Training and Terminal rooms and beyond.
5/3/2009 Mathew Bull 30-40' Conditions are decent in the subway tunnel. Didn't head to the deep section, instead tried out a jump earlier in the system - can't comment on vis in the deep section.
4/21/2009 Jim Clark 30'-40' A slight flow is present and felt in the Subway Tunnel. 30' viz everywhere with some 40' down in the deep section of the circuit.
4/5/2009 Mathew Bull 15-60' Visibility in the cavern and subway tunnel had tannic intrusion and was hazy. The water started clearing up once you hit the deep section though.
3/29/2009 Mathew Bull 50' Visibility in the beginning of the system looked great. Tons of fish in the cavern area.
2/1/2009 Mathew Bull 60-80' Dove on 1/31 and 2/1, visibility was good, flow seems to be up, as it was actually noticable(although still very low flow). Visibility consistant from entrance to the "T" past the Terminal Room in the deep section.
10/15/2008 Mike Morgan 100' Clear with 100' plus vis though the tunnel and around the deep section circuit. Barely noticaeble flow. 68 degrees.
5/26/2008 Mathew Bull 60-80' All clear, no murky spots in the subway or deep section(atleast throughout the circuit), no thermoclines, and(suprisingly) no catfish stirring crap around.
4/5/2008 Mathew Bull 50-60' Subway tunnel and deep circuit look great.
3/22/2008 Jim Clark 40'-50' Did the circuit, temp was 67*F. There is slight flow with haze.
1/13/2008 Mathew Bull 15-50' Lesser visibility in the first 500' where the majority of the catfish traffic was located. Ton of catfish in there right now... Back half the subway tunnel was 50', maybe better. Deep section had 30-40' vis.
12/15/2007 Mathew Bull 50-60' Hydrilla has been dredged from the pond and Edd snagged the rest from between the entrances and platform, so its an easy transit. Visibility is great.
11/21/2007 Jim Clark 25'-40' Min temp of 67* F, deep section had the low viz. The gold line starts on the right side of the cave, mid height, about 30' after dropping down the first vertical drop. About 100' of primary line should reach from open water.
12/31/2006 Eric Deister 70 First time in there, scootered down the main tunnel and dropped them. Did a little swim to the right, turned and went to the left. Nice cave, saw the salamanders for the first time. Viz was around 70
8/17/2006 Andy Lamborn 100 The flow was low but the visibility was great. We did a circuit through the deep section.
7/3/2006 Tim 70' Visibility was good but not perfect, with very light particulate. Temperature was 68, flow was negligible. Vis improved in the deep section of the cave, but the temperature dropped noticeably.
6/17/2006 Walter Pickel 100' Did a great scooter dive. We went to the equidistant arrows and made the jump to the right and went to the top of the big dome room. Flow was light but positive.
5/7/2006 Jim Clark Clear Did the first T circuit, temp 68*, very low flow. Someone has laid about 20' of white cave line from the beginning of the gold line back toward the entrance.
4/9/2006 Tim 80 Visibility was gorgeous throughout the system. You could see as far as your light could shine. The flow was not noticeable. It was a cold 66F in the cave.
3/31/2006 Bob Overstreet 50ft Flow insignificant. Temperature 68F. Good visibility.
2/5/2006 jviehe 40 to first T Nothing unusual. Hydrilla is not as present, catfish stirring up the viz a bit, but it was good.
9/19/2005 Mathew Bull 30-40' in OW Visibilities were typical to the rest of the Pond, I can't comment on the cavern or cave system as I did not go in.
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System Depth Cave Cavern OW Last Report Distance (mi)
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